Pathway 3

Pathway 3 Curriculum


P3 is a Key Stage 3 pathway, intended for students for whom preparation towards a return to mainstream school is the key focus. This may be the identified as the appropriate pathway for students following induction where it is felt a relatively quick turnaround is realistic, in other circumstances students may transition into P3 from another KS3 pathway.

Within P3 the balance of the curriculum is more heavily weighted towards academic subjects, preparing students for the teaching and learning that they will experience within a mainstream setting. There still remains, however, opportunities to develop behavioural and learning skills that would otherwise prove a barrier to successful transition into a mainstream school – this is largely focussed on addressing the specific factors that led to each individual’s exclusion.

While the aim is for all members of this pathway to transition to mainstream schools through the fair access process, it is recognised that some may not achieve this or that it might be delayed until during KS4. As a result the academic curriculum builds towards a transition into GCSE level study across a range of subjects.


Students work with a consistent Teacher and TA team during tutorial and social times throughout the day. This team provide a level of challenge and expectation in line with the behavioural standards that will be expected within a mainstream setting. For the taught curriculum, P3 follow a secondary based model of moving to lessons with subject specialists, maintaining this expectation to support transition back into mainstream.

As these students will soon need to manage within mainstream systems, formalised review and reflection is less frequent with an increased focus on a student being able to self-regulate emotionally and behaviourally.

Curriculum coverage includes:


National curriculum coverage


National curriculum coverage


National curriculum coverage


National curriculum coverage


Project based, to incorporate elements of History and Geography curriculum

Creative Arts

Combining elements of Art & Design, Drama and D&T


Divided into distinct areas, including RSE, Choices & wellbeing

Learning outside classroom

Providing links to Humanities curriculum, cultural capital and positive engagement

The main curriculum is supplemented by targeted individual interventions based on student need and regularly reviewed. These may be academic (e.g. literacy/numeracy) or social based (e.g. ELSA, counselling).

Whilst in P3 students will also start to access intervention from the LA employed Education Access Team, which is focussed on preparation for the return to mainstream schooling and will offer a consistent source of support to the student through the transitional period after leaving The Bridge.

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The Bridge Short Stay School. Appleton Drive, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 7EP

Tel: 0151 245 3877 | Email: